The Promigas Foundation was born in 1999 with the purpose of working for the welfare and quality of life of the most vulnerable communities and populations in the country, with programs and initiatives for capacity-building and providing opportunities for their economic, institutional, and educational development. Learn more

For more than 20 years, we have made an important social contribution to the improvement of the country’s educational quality, favorably impacting the lives of 1,615,231 students and 21,886 teachers from more than 2,000 Colombian public schools. We also assisted more than 6 thousand microentrepreneurs, generated 250 knowledge products related to education, and built more than 100 partnerships to increase our social performance in the territories.

Today, in our never-ending search to advance, innovate and broaden horizons, we have listened to and addressed the new needs of our communities. Therefore, we have joined efforts in the regions to achieve greater social impact and continue working for sustainable development, protecting the environment, strengthening education, and boosting productivity in the communities where we have a presence in Colombia and Peru.


Juan Manuel Rojas

B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and MPP from Harvard University, with more than 20 years of experience in the energy and gas sector in Colombia and abroad, in the public and private sectors. For more than six years he served as Corporate Vice President of Strategy and New Business Development of Ecopetrol, being responsible for leading the formulation of the long-term strategy of the business group and in charge of its acquisitions in recent years.

Marcela Dávila Márquez

Executive Director Promigas Foundation

She has a B.A. in Communication and Journalism from Universidad Javeriana and an M.A. in Communications Management and Public Relations from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. For more than 10 years, Marcela has led institutions and projects on culture and sustainable development of the territories.


Natalia Abello

Carlos Arcesio Paz

Mariana Garcés

Paula Durán

Juan Manuel Rojas

Alejandro Villalba

Jaime Abello Banfi

Jorge Ignacio Acevedo

Diana Giraldo


More than 45 years connecting markets to energy sources and generating value through responsible environmental management and committed to sustainable development. This is how we have led the natural gas revolution in Colombia and Peru.

We have 21 companies engaged in the transportation and distribution of natural gas, LNG regasification, electric power distribution and integrated services for the industry.


Awarded in 2014 by the Ministry of Education, for our contribution to improving the quality of education in Colombia
Awarded in 2014 by the Government of the Department of Atlántico, for our contributions to the improvement of education in the department.
The ‘Comprehensive Education Management’ initiatives in Sabanalarga, Atlántico, ‘Watta Ka
Awarded in 2017 by the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), for our contributions to the construction of a sustainable and lasting peace.
The Red Colombia Global Compact and the Bogota Chamber of Commerce recognized in 2018 the ‘Escuelas que Aprenden’ (EQA) program as a good practice for sustainable development.
Belly Knowledge Management, an international certifying entity, awarded the Foundation the Certificate in Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital in 2019.
Obtained in 2019 for our contribution to the recognition of the best teachers and principals in the country.
Obtained in 2019 for our contribution to the quality and relevance of education, as part of the plan for good living in Cartagena de Indias.
Obtained in 2019 for our support of the training program ‘El Viaje del Carnaval’, so that children learn about the history of the largest festival in Colombia.
Awarded in 2019 for our commitment, support, leadership, and dedication in the ‘Comunidades que Educan’ project, developed in the La Candelaria neighborhood, Cartagena.
The publications ‘Ética y práctica docente’ and ‘Prisma: acompañar para transformar las matemáticas en primaria’, co-published with Universidad del Norte, was indexed in the Web of Science (WOS) platform in 2019.


Code of Conduct (Spanish version)

Anti-Corruption Policy

Donation Policy

Términos y condiciones de uso

La Fundación Promigas (NIT: 802.010.620-9; Dir: Calle 66 No. 67-123 (Barranquilla); Tel: 3713288; y correo electrónico: datospersonales@fundacionpromigas.org.co recolectará y, en general, tratará sus datos personales, con el propósito de: (i) realizar campañas de satisfacción y estudios estadísticos o de analítica de datos; (ii) enviar comunicaciones a través de cualquier medio de comunicación con información publicitaria o promocional sobre los proyectos y/o eventos desarrollados por la Fundación Promigas y/o sus Aliados u Operadores; (iii) tramitar solicitudes o cualquier tipo de petición que sea realizada por el Usuario; (iv) realizar gestiones propias de la relación con el Usuario; (v) realizar la verificación y actualización de los datos personales, así como informar sobre los cambios en la Política de Privacidad y/o en las finalidades del tratamiento; y, (vi) transferir o transmitir datos personales a terceros, quienes podrán estar ubicados fuera o dentro del país, en el marco de la estructuración y culminación de transacciones estratégicas. Tiene derecho a conocer, actualizar y rectificar sus datos personales; acceder de forma gratuita a sus datos personales; solicitar prueba de la autorización otorgada o revocarla; pedir información sobre el uso dado a sus datos personales o solicitar su supresión; y presentar quejas ante la Autoridad.

De acuerdo con la Ley Estatutaria 1581 de 2012 de Protección de Datos y sus Decretos Reglamentarios y demás normas concordantes, y conocedor de la política de tratamiento de datos personales y de mis derechos y deberes sobre el tratamiento de los datos personales, autorizo como titular de los datos, para que éstos sean incorporados en una base de datos de responsabilidad de FUNDACIÓN PROMIGAS, para que sean utilizados según lo descrito en su política de datos. Usted puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, corrección, supresión, revocación o reclamo por infracción sobre sus datos personales y biométricos, mediante escrito dirigido a FUNDACIÓN PROMIGAS a la dirección calle 66 No. 67- 123 de la ciudad de Barranquilla D.E.I.P, o por correo electrónico, datospersonales@fundacionpromigas.org.co, indicando, en el asunto el derecho que desea ejercitar. La política de tratamiento de datos personales se encuentra publicada en el siguiente enlace: csf=1&e=MgHhy9